Processing BOE and EFT banks

The Banks tab is displayed when the Bill of Exchange Processing check box is selected on the associated Customer Group. The Banks tab also is displayed if the associated the EFT processing check box on the associated Customer Group in Company.
  1. Select Financials > Receivables > Manage Customers > Company Customers.
  2. Select a company record.
  3. On the Banks tab, click Create.
  4. In the Bill of Exchange And Electronics Funds Transfer Bank section, specify this information:
    Bank Type
    Select a bank type to indicate if the bank account is used for Bills of Exchange processing or Electronic Funds Transfer processing.
    Specify the bank identification for the customer's bank. Banks that are used for Bills of Exchange processing must be defined in Cash.
    Account Number
    Specify the bank-assigned number of the customer's bank account.
    RIB Key
    Specify the bank account RIB key value.
    Account Validation
    Select the type of account number validation.
    Default Bank
    Select this check box if this bank and account number is the bank that is used in Bills of Exchange processing.
    Bic ID
    Specify the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) that is associated with the bank account number.
    Mandate Type
    Select the direct debit type that is associated with the bank account number.
    Mandate ID
    Specify the mandate ID that is associated with the bank account number.
  5. In the Electronic Funds Transfer Processing section, specify this information:
    Start Date
    Select the start date of EFT selection for this bank account.
    End Date
    Select the end date of EFT selection for this bank account.
    Note: Date ranges cannot overlap for the same bank account type.
    Prenotification Required
    Select this check box if sending a prenote is required for this bank account.
    Prenotification Date
    Select the date that the prenote is sent to the customer in EFT processing.
    Prenotification Status
    Select the status of the prenote.
    Funds Transfer Type
    Select the funds transfer type.
    Account Type
    Select whether the account type is Current/ Checking, Savings, Futsuu (Savings), Touza (Current), Chochiku, Sonota (Others), or Others.
    Bank Transaction Code
    Specify the value that is used for bank account verification.
  6. Click Save.