Creating fee rates or percentages

Use this procedure to update contracts with the same fee code and to update the fee rate or fee percent each year. Tiered rates, percent fee codes, and inactive codes are not included.

  1. On Project Contracts, select the Project Contract Fees tab.
  2. To create fee rates or percentages, use the filter feature to narrow the list to the fee code and fee type. Filter the list by contracts to create the new fee. We recommend that you use the filter feature to verify the data first.
  3. Click Create New Fee Rate Or Percent.
  4. Specify this information
    Contract Group
    Select or create a group of contracts to create a new fee or rate. This field must be blank to update project contracts with the new fee code.
    Fee Code
    Select the fee code to create a version. Only active fee codes can be selected.
    Fee Type
    Select the fee type to create a version. A flat rate cannot be selected for this action. Rates or percentages that are tiered are not created.
    Effective Date
    Specify the date by which the rate is effective.
  5. Click Submit.