Creating receivable process levels

  1. Select Setup > Receivable Process Level.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Complete the fields.
    Process Level
    Specify a process level and name. If this field is blank, then the company name is the default value.
  4. On the Address tab, specify this information:
    Select a country code. This field is required for VAT and intrastat reporting.
    Select whether the address type is a post office box, street, military address, or is undefined.
  5. On the Processing tab, specify this information:
    Cash Code
    Select the cash code that is used at this process level.
    Finance Code Block Override
    Optionally, specify the account segments to serve as override values when manual invoice distributions and cash application adjustments are created. These account segments are also default values for creating document line distributions for Intercompany Billing.
    Accounts Receivable Code
    Select the accounts receivable code. This code is used as the default when creating invoices for the specified process level.

    If this field is blank, then the Accounts Receivable Code that is defined for the company is used.

    Prepayment Code
    Select the prepayment code. This code is the alternate Received Not Applied code that is used for prepayments.

    If this field is blank, then the Prepayment Code that is defined for the company is used.

    Proforma Prepayment Code
    Select the Proforma prepayment code. If this field is blank, then the Proforma Prepayment Code that is defined for the company is used.
    Rounding Code
    Select the rounding Global Ledger code for possible rounding differences with multicurrency processing.
    Received Not Applied Code
    Select the received not applied code. This code is used as a contra asset account to offset the cash account. When cash is applied, an invoice AR code and a payment RNA code is used as the offset for distribution accounts. The RNA code is used when payment batch headers are created for the process level.

    If this field is blank, then the Received Not Applied Code that is defined for the company is used.

    Finance Charge Global Ledger Code
    Select the finance charge global ledger code. This code is used when assessing finance charges for past due invoices and late payments.

    If this field is blank, then the Finance Global Ledger Code that is defined for the company is used.

    Nature of Transaction Code
    Select the nature of transaction code due for intrastat processing.
    Proforma Tax Invoice Code
    Select the Proforma tax invoice code. If this field is blank, then the Proforma Tax Invoice Code that is defined for the company in the Global Ledger Account Codes section is used.
  6. Click Save.