Changing employee labor schedules

Use this procedure to change an employee labor schedule for employees with existing assignments. These rules apply:

  • Labor period records cannot be in an approved state for any period after the change date of the new labor schedule.
  • Labor periods can be in an approved state before the change date. The labor assignment records with the previous labor schedule are available to continue processing for the employee.
  • When an employee's labor schedule changes, the related effort schedule is also changed.

If the employee has no assignments, then instead of using this action, you can change the labor schedule on the employee record.

  1. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup.
  2. Select the Structure tab.
  3. Open a project structure and select the Employees tab.
  4. Open the employee record and select Actions > Change Labor Schedule.
  5. Specify this information:
    New Labor Schedule
    Select the new labor schedule.
    Specify the beginning date of the new labor schedule.
  6. Click Submit.