Copying current book calendars

  1. Select Financials > Asset Accounting > Asset System Setup > Calendars.
  2. Select a book record.
  3. Select Actions > Copy Current Book Calendar.
  4. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Specify the book to be copied.
    Provide a description for the book.
    Select a ledger for the book.
    Depreciation Type
    Select Class Level to indicate the assets that are associated with this book are depreciated along with other assets in their class. Class Level is required for Part 32 books.

    If you select Class Level, then you must also select a Compute Statement. If you select Asset Level, then leave the Compute Statement field blank.

    Select a depreciation convention for this book. This convention determines how depreciation is calculated for the first year and the last year that an asset is in service. The value that you select is a default value and is modified when you assign a book to an asset. For a detailed list, see Depreciation conventions.
    Book Currency
    Select the currency code for the book. Depreciation amounts are recorded in the currency that you select.
    Transaction Currency
    Select whether the default value for the book transaction currency is from the Book or the Asset.
    Impairment Book
    If impairments are enabled for the book, select an impairment book.
    Method Switch
    Select this check box to switch to a second depreciation method when it is an advantage. You assign a depreciation method to a book when you associate the book with an asset using Books. To define a depreciation method where method switches are allowed, use Methods.
    Track Depreciation History
    Select this check box to store depreciation history records for assets that are added to this book. Asset transaction history is recorded for all companies and assets that use the book.
    Post History
    Select this check box to transfer historical transactions to the general ledger when the asset is released. Transactions are created by the Asset Book compute. This option can be selected and cleared at any time. When an asset is added with a prior year in service date, transactions are created for depreciation that occurred before the current year.
    Select this check box if this is a posting book to use with all assets to post journal entries to the Global Ledger. You can assign only one posting book to a company.
    If you select this check box, then the book is automatically displayed on Books when you create a new asset.
    Use For Impairment
    Select this check box to use the book as an impairment book.
  5. Click OK.