Creating Receivable distribution categories

  1. Select Financials > Receivables > Setup > Receivable Code Setup > Distribution Category.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Specify a category code.
    Provide the description of the category code. This field is used as the default into the distribution lines that are assigned to this code.
    Tax Code
    If you select Yes in the Tax Exempt field, then select the tax code for the category code.
    Tax Exempt
    Select whether the category code is tax exempt or taxable.
    Process Level Finance Code Block Override
    Select whether to allow or prevent the process level finance code block override.
    Intrastat Line Type
    Select the transaction line type for the intrastat usage.
    Distribution Account
    Specify the distribution account information for the category code.
  4. Click Save.