Creating project employees

  1. Select Financials > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Setup.
  2. Click the Structure tab.
  3. Open the project structure and click the Employees tab.
  4. Click Create or click Helper List and select an employee.
  5. Specify this information:
    Employment ID
    Select an HR employee.
    Exclude From Labor Distribution
    Select this check box if you are not using labor distribution. When this check box is selected, the labor distribution fields to create the employee are hidden. If the employee has labor distribution records, then all records must be in a Certified or Entered state before this check box is selected.
    Exclude From Effort Certification
    Select this check box if you are processing labor distribution but not certifying the employee for effort. This employee is not displayed in the Certification By Employee or Certification By Period pages. The effort variance is displayed for this employee for any previous certifications where the certified percent was different than the percent.
    Specify the full time equivalent (FTE) for the employee. The FTE is used in the calculation for salary cap for salary encumbrance and labor distribution. If this field is blank, then 1.0 is the default value.
    Labor Schedule
    Select the appropriate project labor schedule for the employee. When you are using labor distribution and effort certification, the project labor schedule is what defines the period begin and end dates.
    Labor Distribution Approver
    Select the employee who must approve labor distribution records before they are processed. Use the labor distribution approver field if these conditions are true:
    • You are using labor distribution
    • You have selected the Labor Distribution Approval check box in the enterprise project structure

    If this field is blank, then labor distribution approval is not required for this employee.

    Redistribution Approver
    Select the employee who must approve labor redistribution records before labor is redistributed. Use the redistribution approver field if these conditions are true:
    • You are using labor distribution
    • The Labor Distribution Approval check box in the enterprise project structure is selected.

    If this field is blank, then labor redistribution approval is not required for this employee.

    Select the primary certifier. When you are using labor distribution and effort certification, the certifier is responsible for verifying and certifying the effort percentages of the employee. In some organizations, the certifier is responsible for these actions:
    • Assigning employees to projects.
    • Selecting default values for burden codes and accounts.
    • Creating, approving, and certifying planned and actual effort.

      The effort is used for labor distribution and effort certification.

    Labor Distribution Finance Structure
    If you are using labor distribution, then you can provide changes or additions to the finance structure. The original finance structure for the employee home account where project employee salaries and wages are posted is overridden.

    For example, when wages are posted, there is no account category specified. To add an account category, the dimension that stores the account category is the only field that must be added.

    To post the wages to another account, specify the account dimension.

    To post the wages to another accounting entity or accounting unit, both the accounting entity and accounting unit must be specified.

    The values that are specified are the default values for the project assignment and project assignment labor records.

    Fringe Burden Code
    If you are using labor distribution, you can assign a fringe benefit burden code to the project. Fringe benefit burdens are created when you run the Distribute Labor action with the labor distribution transactions. A fringe benefit burden code can be assigned to the project employee or to the project.
    Fringe Burden Finance Structure
    If you are using labor distribution fringe benefit burdens, specify the override account to post the burden. Specify the finance structure to post the fringe benefit. The finance structure overrides the original finance structure on the employee home account where salaries and wages are posted for the employee project.
    Salary Encumbrance
    If you are using labor distribution and effort certification, you can also encumber salary amounts. Select this check box to encumber salary.
    Fringe Encumbrance
    If you are using labor distribution and effort certification, you can also encumber fringe amounts. Select this check box to encumber fringe.
    Salary Encumbrance Amount
    Specify the salary encumbrance amount that represents the employee’s salary that is used to calculate encumbrance. This amount is divided by the labor schedule definition and multiplied by the planned percent to calculate the encumbrance amount.

    This amount can differ if the employee is assigned to any projects with a salary cap and salary encumbrance is calculated. In this case, specify the lower amount between the annual salary of the employee and the annual salary cap amount.

    Salary Encumbrance Currency
    Select the currency for the encumbrance. If this field is blank, then the value from the project structure is used.
    Encumbrance Basis
    For labor distribution and effort certification, select the basis to use to encumber salary.
    • If Planned Percent basis is selected, the planned percent for the period on the employee labor distribution record is used to calculate salary encumbrance. This value is the default.
    • If Actual Percent basis is selected, the actual percent on the employee labor distribution record for the period is used in the calculation for salary encumbrance. This field cannot be changed if encumbrance records exist for the employee. Delete the encumbrance records, change the encumbrance basis, and create encumbrance records.
    Salary Encumbrance Finance Structure
    Specify the finance code block to use for the salary encumbrance.Project is populated based on the project to which the employee is assigned. If this field is blank, then the value from the project structure is used.
    Fringe Encumbrance Finance Structure
    Specify the finance code block to use for the salary fringe encumbrance. Project is populated based on the project to which the employee is assigned. If this field is blank, then the value from the project structure is used.
  6. Click Save.