Creating project hierarchies

You must create a hierarchy for each project structure. Your project hierarchy can contain an unlimited number of levels.

  1. Select Project Setup.
  2. On the Structure tab, open a project structure.
  3. On the Hierarchy tab, click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Project Type
    Select the project type. If you select Posting, then you cannot create a child project for this project.
    Specify the project name. You cannot change the name after you save the project, but you can change the description.
    Select this check box to designate the projects to watch. If this check box is selected for a project, then it can be viewed and filtered in lists and reports.
    • Reports can be viewed in the Infor EPM Platform App Studio Project Watch Report.
    • The Infor EPM Platform App Studio Project Watch Report can be added as a EPM Platform Widget to home pages.
    • The report can be added to Landmark Custom Landing pages. Use the Landing Page Designer.
    Watched By
    Select an employee. Use this field to assign an employee as a watcher for the project. Reports and home pages that contain the Watch field can be filtered by the watcher to include only their watched projects If Watch is selected and Watched By is blank, then all reports are included.
  5. If the Project Type is Summary, then specify this information:
    For project invoicing, select this check box if the summary level project is a contract. Only one summary level project in a branch can be designated as a contract.
    Budget Identifier
    If you use budget edit, select the budget identifier for the budget edit.
    Person Responsible
    Select the HR employee who is responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field controls whether the My Project forms are displayed for the Project Manager role.

    The person responsible is only designated on summary level projects.

    Responsible Team
    Select the team of HR employees who are responsible for managing the project structure and its children. This field controls whether the My Project forms are displayed for the Project Manager role. The responsible team is only specified on summary level projects.
    Program Income
    Select this check box if the project is a contract and the contract has program income.
    Program Income Type
    Select a value if the project is a contract and the project contains program income.
  6. If the summary project is a contract, on the Contract tab, specify this information:
    Select the currency. If this field is blank, then the default currency from the project structure is used when the project is saved.
    Contract ID
    Specify a contract ID. If this field is blank, then the project contract is the default value.
    Maximum Fees
    Specify the maximum amount for the contract fees. The fees cannot exceed the contract amount.
    Allocate Expenditures
    This feature is replaced by Front End Split and cannot be used if FES is true. If this check box is selected, the original expense distributions are reversed and new distributions are created with the funding source that is in Finance Dimension 2.
    Exclude Unpaid AP
    Select this check box to ensure that unpaid Payables invoices are not selected for billing in Billing if revenue is independent of invoicing. If this check box is cleared, then all Payables invoices for the contract activity are eligible for billing, regardless of whether they are paid.
    Front End Split
    Select this check box to split distributions before project contracts are invoiced. This applies to front end split distribution actions in these systems: RQ, PO, AP, GL, and PS. Front end split must be enabled on the finance enterprise group.
    • Select Cost Reimbursement, Cost Plus, Time and Materials, or Rate Table for transaction-based billing.
    • Select Milestone billing for event- or deliverable-based billing.
    • Select Installment billing for billing that is based on the number of installments.

    You can change a billing method of Milestone or Installment if milestones or installments do not exist. You cannot change a transaction-based billing method, but you can create override milestones for the funding source. The override milestone is invoiced in addition to the transaction billing. If you do not want to invoice the expense transactions, then you can put them on hold and only invoice the milestones.

    Markup Percent
    If the Method is Cost Plus, Time And Materials, or Rate Table, then specify the markup percentage to use for billing.
    Rate Table
    If the Method is Rate Table, then select the rate table to use for billing.
    Revenue Recognition
    Select the way in which revenue is recognized for this contract. Project contract revenue can be recognized as Combined at the time of invoicing or Separate, which means it is independent of invoicing.
    If the Revenue Recognition is Separate, select the method for recognizing revenue:
    • Select Full Accrual for a valid transaction-based revenue method.
    • Select Milestone for event revenue recognition and percent complete.
    • Select Installment for revenue that is based on a number of installments.
    • Select Percentage of Completion for revenue that is based on percent complete.

    You can change a revenue method of Milestone, Installment, or Percentage of Completion if milestones, installments, or percentage of completions do not exist. You cannot change a transaction-based revenue method, but you can create override milestones for the funding source. The override milestone is recognized in addition to the transaction revenue recognition. To not recognize revenue on the expense transactions, you can put them on hold and only recognize revenue on the milestones.

    Defer And Hold Remainder
    Select the option for transactions where the funding sources are not billed or recognized at 100 percent:
    • Blank: When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, partially billed, or partially recognized, transactions are not created. If funds are not available for the entire expense transaction to invoice or recognize, the entire amount is unbilled or unrecognized. If a single funding source is not selected when transactions are invoiced or recognized, partials are created when limits are exceeded and a 100 percent source is available.
    • Defer Only: When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, a partially billed or partially recognized transaction is created for the remaining amount. The transaction is not put on hold.
    • Defer And Hold: When a single funding source is invoiced or recognized, a partially billed or partially recognized transaction is created for the remaining amount and is put on hold.
  7. If the Project Type is Posting, then specify this information:
    System Project
    Select this check box if the posting project is the system project.

    We recommend that you create a system dimension for processes where the system dimensions are used, for example, the retained earnings process.

    Add To Structure Where This Project Exists
    Specify a posting project that exists in all structures that the new project is added to. When you specify a project it is added to alternate structures when the new project is created.
    Project Status
    Select the project status for posting projects. The status code indicates which actions are performed for posting projects.
    Select the posting level project currency. For project invoicing, the posting project currency must match its parent contract currency. If this field is blank, then the default currency from the project structure is used when the project is saved.
    Related Funding Source
    Select the funding source. If the project is single-funded, add the related FD2 to the posting project to include it and the related grant attributes to project reports.
    For project invoicing, select this check box if the posting project is eligible for billing.
    For Asset Accounting, select this check box if the posting project is eligible for asset interface capitalization.
    Include In Budget Edit
    Select this check box if the posting project is included in budget edit.
    Exclude From Front End Split
    Select this check box to exclude the posting project from front end split if front end split is enabled on the contract. This field is displayed only if front end split is enabled on the finance enterprise group.
    Expense Management
    Select this check box if the project is eligible for expense management interface.
    Default Finance Structure
    Select dimensions to apply to posting projects in the subsystem transaction entry. The default dimensions are used in transactions and subsystem distribution when the project is added and other dimensions are blank. The project default values take priority over the default value on the structure relations.
    Pre-Award ID
    If you are using a third party pre-award system, then specify a grant identification number. The grant identification number is used for tracking.
    Program Income
    Select this check box if the program income field is selected on the project contract and the posting project has program income.
    Program Income Type
    Select a value if the program income for the posting project is different from the program income that is selected on the project contract. If this field is blank, then the default is the program income from the project contract.
  8. If the project is a posting project, on the Billing Overrides tab, specify this information:
    Billing Method
    Select a billing method to override the billing parameters for posting projects. This is used to override the billing method that is specified on the project contract.
    Markup Percent
    If the project is a contract and the Billing Method is Cost Plus, Time And Materials, or Rate Table, specify the markup percentage to use for billing.
    Billing Rate Table
    If the Billing Method is Rate Table, then select the rate table to use for billing.
    Billing Maximum
    If there is a limit to what can be invoiced for the posting project, specify the amount.
    Tax Exempt
    Select this check box to override the tax exempt status for billable projects. This check box is used to override the tax status that is specified on the project contract.
    Exclude Fees
    Select this check box if the posting project is not subject to project contract fees.
    Revenue Structure Option
    Select if the revenue structure is entered as a full finance code block or a partial for the funding source.
    Partial Revenue Finance Structure
    Specify the dimensions to override for revenue for the funding source. The dimensions that are blank inherit the value from the originating expense. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, then any account can be specified.
    Full Revenue Finance Structure
    Specify the full revenue finance structure for the funding source. The list is filtered on revenue accounts because the account is generally a revenue account. If another account type is required, use another account.
  9. If the project is a posting project, on the Labor Distribution tab, specify this information:
    Labor Distribution Finance Structure
    This value overrides the finance structure labor for the project.
    Fringe Burden
    If you are using labor distribution, select whether fringe benefit burden is created when the Distribute Labor action is run.

    If fringe burden codes are not used on the project, select No. If fringe burden codes are used, select whether the default fringe burden code is from the employee or project.

    Burden Code
    For labor distribution, you can assign a fringe benefit burden code to the project. These burdens are created when you run the Distribute Labor action with the labor distribution transactions. A fringe benefit burden code is assigned to the project employee or to the project.
    Fringe Burden Finance Structure
    For labor distribution fringe benefit burdens, specify the finance structure to post the fringe benefit. This field is used to override the finance structure on the original employee home account where employee project salary and wages are posted.
    Certification Required
    Select this check box if effort must be certified when the project is posted. This field indicates to the project accountant, project certifier, and project resource that the projects are federally sponsored and require effort certification.
    Salary Cap
    If the project is subject to a salary cap for labor distribution, select a salary cap code.
    Salary Cap Date
    Specify whether the salary cap date is for the start of the project or the end of the labor period. This field is required if the project is subject to a salary cap.
    Salary Cap Overage Finance Structure
    Specify where the overage is posted for labor distributions that are above the salary cap. The field behavior depends on the Salary Cap Overage Finance Structure Option that is selected on the project structure.
    • When Original Transaction is selected and this field is blank, then the overage remains in the employee’s home account. If a specific field of the finance structure is different for the overage, then the field that is different must be specified. For example, an overage must be posted to the same accounting entity and accounting unit, but to another account. Specify the account field. If you specify an account, then it replaces the account on the original salary and wages account and is not posted to a project.
    • When Project Employee is selected and this field is blank, then the labor distribution finance structure on the employee is used for the overage. If a specific field of the finance structure is different for the overage, then the field that is different must be specified. For example, an overage must be posted to a specific project, but to the employee’s home accounting entity and accounting unit. Specify the Project field. If you specify any dimension, then the dimension on the labor distribution finance structure for the project employee is replaced.
  10. Click Submit.
  11. Repeat steps for each project added to the structure. To create a child project within an existing project, select a project and click Create Child Project.