Period of performance (POP) templates
You can use period of performance (POP) templates to create templates by system code. The template specifies the begin days (lead days) and end days (lag days) to use for the system code. The number of begin days is subtracted from the project begin date and the number of end days is added to the project end date. You can use the period of performance templates to define similar data tolerances for projects. After creating a POP template, you can assign it to a summary level project and all of its children or a posting level project.
Transactions that are posted to projects must fall between the project begin and end dates. Project Date Edit on the finance enterprise group is used to determine whether the date validation is performed on the transaction date or the posting date. When POP dates are used, the transaction date or the posting date is compared to the POP date for the system code.
For example, you may incur costs that occur before the project begin date in Requisitions or Purchasing. You may incur costs after the project end date in Payables or Project Ledger. Use POP templates to establish tolerances by system code.