Modifying posting accounts within a chart

You can modify some fields on posting accounts to be specific to the chart. These modifications override the setting that is made on the finance enterprise group account.

  1. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance.
  2. Open the finance enterprise group and click the Chart tab.
  3. Open the chart and click the Hierarchy tab.
  4. Open an account.
  5. Specify this information on the Main tab:
    Include In Budget Edit
    Change the currency accounts that are used to post unrealized and translation currency gains and losses to be specific to the chart.

    To select this check box for multiple accounts, see Setting include in budget edit for multiple accounts.

    Translation Code
    If customized translation codes have been created, a different code can be assigned to be the code used for translations on a reporting basis when this chart is assigned.
    A posting account revalue flag can be changed to be specific to the chart.
    Xbrl Tag
    The XBRL tag defined with a specific value for the chart.
    Close To Account
    Posting accounts may be closed to a specified posting account during the year end close process. For balance sheet accounts, you can select another balance sheet posting account, including a retained earnings account or sub account to close to. For income statement accounts, you can select a retained earnings sub account to close to. If this field is blank for an income statement posting account, then it will close to the system retained earnings account.
    Is Gain Loss Account
    Select this check box if the account is a gain or loss account for this chart.
  6. On the Currency Account tab, change the currency accounts. Change the accounts that are used to post unrealized and translation currency gains and losses to be specific to the chart.
  7. Click Save.