Creating contract modifications using the wizard

  1. Select Project Contracts or My Project Contracts.
  2. Open the project contract.
  3. On the Modifications tab, select Create Using Wizard.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify the date for the modification.
    Specify the description for the modification.
    Update Project Contract Amount
    Select this check box to update the project contract amount for any net increase or decrease in total funding.
    Update Project Funding Amount
    Select this check box to update the Finance Dimension 2 funded amount for an increase or decrease in the related funding source. Amounts are only updated if the Finance Dimension 2 amount is greater than zero. If the Finance Dimension 2 is a grant, you may not want to increase or decrease the Finance Dimension 2 awarded amount.
    Budget Scenario
    Optionally, select a budget scenario to which to link the project contract modification. This field is informational.
    Budget Change Request
    Optionally, select a budget change request to which to link the project contract modification. This field is informational.
    Provide a comment.
    Document URL
    Optionally, provide the URL to access the document.
    Specify the title of the attachment.
    Select a file to attach to the comment.
    Mime Type
    Specify the Mime type.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Create from Project Funding Source to select a contract funding source.
  7. Click Add To Modification.
  8. Click Close.
  9. Specify this information:
    • New Priority
    • New Funding Group
    • New Billing Group
    • New Percent
    • New Funded Amount
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Finish.