Creating cash payments
This transaction code represents a type of cash payment, such as a check. Cash payment transaction codes are used in Payables.
- Select Bank Transaction Codes.
- Click Create Cash Payment.
Specify this information:
- Cash Ledger Auto Transaction Numbering
- Select this check box to set up automatic transaction numbering.
- Transaction Origin
- Select whether the transaction came from Payables or Receivables. Select Receivable only for Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payments that are triggered by Receivables.
- Payment Output Option
- Select one of these output options for the cash payment code:
- Printed Document: Used for creating check payments.
- Electronic File: The routing number on the output file is retrieved from the electronic routing number in the financial institution branch. When creating invoice records, the bank information is required on vendor or vendor location. If this option is selected, then the Payables Electronic Transfer ID tab is available.
- Wire Transfer: The routing number on the output file is retrieved from the wire routing number in the financial institution branch. When creating invoice records, the bank information is required on vendor or vendor location.
- No Output: Manually create payments or payment runs where no output is required.
- Swift: The routing number on the output file is retrieved from the branch swift in the financial institution branch. When creating invoice records, the bank information is required on vendor or vendor location.
- Transaction Numbering
- Select whether cash payments for the transaction code have Numeric Only or Alpha Allowed. If the transaction origin is Payables, then the transaction numbering can only be numeric.
- Manual Payment Reservation
- Select this check box to reserve assigned manual payment numbers.
In the Reconciliation section, specify this information:
- Automatic Reconciliation
- To automatically reconcile all cash payments for this code in Cash, select this check box. If this check box is cleared, then those cash payments must be manually reconciled.
- Payment Summarization
- If Payment Output Option is Electronic File, select this check box to include summarization breaks for payments.
In the Electronic Payments section, specify this information:
- Prenotification
- If Payment Output Option is Electronic File, then select this check box if the processing bank must be notified with bank account information before the transaction is sent. Notification must occur before an accounts payable ACH payment can be created for a vendor.
- Alternate Transaction Code
- Optionally, select or create an alternate cash payment for a vendor. This is in effect until the processing bank has been pre-notified.
In the Nordic section, specify this information:
- Plus Giro Payments With Bank Giro
- Select this check box to make payments that include vendors with Plus giro accounts using bank transfer file.
- Merge Option
- Specify whether to merge bank account and payments.
- Click Save.