Creating price lists for items
Select .
Select a price list.
Click Create.
Select an item code.
On the Options tab, specify this
- Prohibit Sales
- Select this check box to prohibit ordering items that are
priced using the Price List Item record.
- No Charge
- Select this check box if this item is sent to a customer
free of charge when it is ordered and priced using this
- Discount Code
- Select the discount code to be used on the price list
parameters. If you place this discount code on any of the price
modifiers, then all priced items with that modifier are affected by
this discount code.
- Quantity Pricing Code
- Select the quantity pricing code that determines how the price
base is modified by the Price List Item record.
- Unit of measure
- This field is display only.
- Upper limit
- Specify up to six upper limits for item
order quantity. Use these if special pricing percentages are applied
for a specific item, depending on ordered quantities.
- Percent
- Specify up to six upper limits for item order quantity and
percentages. Use these if special pricing percentages are applied
for a specific item, depending on ordered quantities.
- Unit add-on
- Specify up to six add-on charge amounts to assess each selling
unit of measure of the ordered item. This applies if the quantity is
less than or equal to the upper limit.
- Override price
- Specify the overriding price to be used if the quantity of
the item exceeds the upper limit. When a negative amount is
specified, then there is no editing done to determine if the price
base goes negative.
On the Multiple Units of Measure tab,
specify this information:
- Unit of Measure Pricing Code
- Select the unit of measure pricing code to determine how the
price base for this item is modified by the price list item record.
It is applicable if the item is priced using multiple units of
- Percent
- Specify the percentage. This is multiplied by the price
base for the item to determine the item price.
- Unit add-on
- Specify a positive or negative dollar amount.
- Override Price
- Specify an override price for the item This price overrides
all other price.
Click Save.