Creating customer ship to addresses

  1. Select Financials > Billing > Setup > Customer Ship To.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Select a customer number for which the ship-to is being established, inquired, or changed.
    Customer Ship To
    Specify a code identifying a customer's ship-to number.
    Specify an alphanumeric 30-character name that holds the description of the customer's ship-to location.
  4. On the Address tab, specify this information:
    Select a ship-to country.
    Street Address
    Specify the ship-to street address.
    Specify the ship-to city.
    Select the ship-to state or province.
    Post Code
    Specify the ship-to postal code.
    Specify the ship-to county or district.
    Select a type of address.
    Specify a latitude of the location.
    Specify a longitude of the location.
    Specify a altitude of the location.
    Default Ship To
    Select this check box if the ship-to number is an automatic default ship-to whenever an order is placed using the bill-to number.
    Tax Registration Type
    Select Registered or Unregistered.
    VAT Registration Number
    Specify the value added tax (VAT) registration number for the location.
  5. On the Options tab, specify this information:
    Term Code
    Select a payment term code for the customer ship-to number. Term codes determine the due date of the invoices that are produced for orders for this ship-to address.
    Memo Term
    Select a terms code to use on a credit memo that uses the ship-to address.
    Price List
    Specify a name of the price list that is used to price items that are ordered for this customer ship-to address.
    Tax Exempt
    Select Exempt if any placed order for the ship-to location is exempt regardless of the taxing status of the ordered item. Select Taxable if the ordered item is taxed.
    Tax Code
    Specify a code that represents the tax authorities to which the ship-to address pays the sales tax. If you are using a third-party tax application, then specify the geographic code.
  6. In Sales Data section, specify this information:
    Select a sales territory in which the customer ship-to location is located.
    Sales Representative
    Select a primary sales representative.
    Sales Representative 2
    Select a secondary sales representative.
    Commission Split Percentage
    Specify a percentage of the total order value that is used as the basis for the second sales representative's commission.
  7. In the Processing section, specify this information:
    Freight Code
    Select a freight code. Freight codes indicate whether a freight charge is assessed for orders that are placed using this ship-to location.
    Select a carrier vendor number.
    Allow Backorder
    Select this check box if backorders can be placed for the ship-to location. If this check box is cleared, then further control over backorders during order processing can be set up in Company.
    Ship Complete
    Select this check box if orders for the ship-to address can only be shipped when the entire order is filled. If this field is selected, then the orders can only be shipped when all lines on the order can be shipped together.
    Broken Case Charge
    Select this check box if orders for the ship-to address can have broken case charges.
    Picking Priority
    Specify a picking priority for the ship-to address. This priority is used in when allocating inventory to demand.
    Default Location
    Select the shipping location that is the default for this ship-to location.
    Default Method
    Select a default method in which orders are shipped when placed for the customer ship-to address. The method is printed on the invoice when you run Invoice and Register Print.
    Ship To EDI
    Specify a ship-to address code for EDI transactions.
    Ship Term
    Select a term where the responsibility for goods is transferred between parties.
    Port Code
    Select an Intrastat port code that determines the default seaport for the movement of goods to Customer or Ship-to address.
    Select a vendor's identification code.
    Purchase From Location
    Select a purchase from location of the vendor.
  8. In the Proof of Delivery section, specify this information:
    Select this check box if the customer's ship-to address requires a Proof of Delivery (POD).
    Proof Of Delivery Grace Period
    Specify the number of days after which POD shipments are automatically billed even if the POD is not returned.
  9. Click Save.