Asset templates
Asset addition templates are used to store common asset data. Common asset data is used as default values in asset records when you add new assets using quick addition. You can use asset templates to speed up asset entry and to ensure that new assets are consistently defined. Asset templates are not used to define asset items. You define asset items manually during asset quick addition
Asset addition templates are optional if you manually create assets in Asset Accounting. Asset addition templates are required if you interface asset records from Payables or Project Ledger or if you add bar-coded assets from a handheld terminal.
When you use barcoding to add an asset item, you must define an asset addition template. The template must provide the minimum accounting information that is required to process an asset. An addition template is always required for any asset that is interfaced through other solutions.
The asset templates are listed in the workbook by company and type. If the workbook is printed through a barcode printer, then the HHT operator can either scan the appropriate template or specify the name.
The asset template workbook is used only to add assets. The transfer, disposal, and inventory functions do not involve templates.
When you add an asset using a handheld terminal, you must define the asset template to use for adding the asset. You can use the asset template workbook to scan the template instead of manually creating it.
Before you generate the asset template workbook, you must define any templates you use when adding assets from a handheld terminal.