Creating customer contacts

  1. Select Financials > Receivables > Manage Customers > Company Customers.
  2. Select a customer record.
  3. On the Contacts tab, click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify a contact code that describes the responsibility of the customer contact.
    Specify the name of the customer contact.
    Contact Description
    Provide a contact description.
    Phone Country Code/Phone Number/Extension
    Select the phone country code and specify the phone number/extension of the customer contact. This field is free-form to accommodate a variety of telephone number formats.
    Fax Country Code/Phone Number/Extension
    Select the fax country code and specify the fax number/extension for the customer contact. This field is free-form to accommodate a variety of telephone number formats.
    Specify the email address of the customer contact.
  5. Click Save.