Creating cash application adjustment reason codes

  1. Select Financials > Receivables > Setup > Receivable Code Setup > Reason Codes.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Receivable Reason Type
    Select Cash Application Adjustment.
    Receivable Reason
    Specify the adjustment reason code.
    Provide a description for the adjustment reason code.
    Receivable Adjustment Reason Type
    Select the adjustment reason type. The options are Chargeback, Discount, Over Short, Grouping, Payment Transfer or Tax Withholding.
    Specify the default account information.
    Receivable Invoice Dispute Code
    Select the receivable invoice dispute code for the disputed transaction.
    Adjustment Amount Review Limit
    Specify the adjustment amount review limit.
    Adjustment Amount Review Percent
    Specify the adjustment amount review percent.
    Select the type of review.
    Finance Code Block Override
    Select whether to allow or prevent the process level finance code block override.
    Accrual Account
    Specify the account information on accruals.
  4. Click Save.