Creating cash application adjustment reason codes
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Click Create.
Specify this information:
- Company
- Select a company number.
- Receivable Reason Type
- Select Cash Application
- Receivable Reason
- Specify the adjustment reason code.
- Description
- Provide a description for the adjustment reason
- Receivable Adjustment Reason Type
- Select the adjustment reason type. The options are Chargeback, Discount, Over Short, Grouping, Payment
Transfer or Tax Withholding.
- Account
- Specify the default account information.
- Receivable Invoice Dispute Code
- Select the receivable invoice dispute code for the disputed transaction.
- Adjustment Amount Review Limit
- Specify the adjustment amount review limit.
- Adjustment Amount Review Percent
- Specify the adjustment amount review percent.
- Review
- Select the type of review.
- Finance Code Block Override
- Select whether to allow or prevent the process level finance code
block override.
- Accrual Account
- Specify the account information on accruals.
Click Save.