Creating finance resources

  1. Select Finance Resources.
  2. On the Dashboard tab, select the Resources menu.
  3. Click Create.
  4. On the Details tab, specify this information:
    Select an employee to be a finance resource.
    Reference 1, 2
    Specify up to two references.
    Specify the title of the employee.
    US Resident
    Optionally, select this check box if you are tracking resident or non-resident status for a resource. This information is for reporting or auditing purposes, for example, non-resident resources who are assigned as signers to certain cash accounts.
  5. In the Payables Invoice Automation Email Notifications section, specify this information:
    Invoice Submitted For My Approval
    Select this check box to receive a notification when invoices are submitted for approval.
    My Invoice Approved
    Select this check box to receive a notification when your submitted invoice is approved.
    My Invoice Rejected
    Select this check box to receive a notification when your submitted invoice is rejected.
  6. In the Address section, specify this information:
    Select the location of the employee. When the country is selected, you can provide a full address.
    Select the address type of the employee.
    Specify the latitude of the location.
    Specify the longitude of the location.
    Specify the altitude of the location.
  7. Click Save.