Creating currency daily rates

Before you create currency daily rates, you must create the currency relationships for which to create daily rates. You must also create the currency rate table for which the rates are valid.

You can create daily rates only for currency relationships that are associated with the same finance enterprise group as the currency rate table. Triangulated relationships have specific rules.

See the Infor Data Interface Guide for information about interfacing daily rates.

  1. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > Currency > Currency Maintenance.
  2. Click the Daily Rate tab.
  3. Select the currency rate table for which to create daily rates.
  4. On the Rate tab, click Create.
  5. Specify this information:
    Select the From currency.
    Select the To currency. For a triangulated relationship, select the triangulated currency.
    Exchange Date
    The date on which this rate becomes effective.

    You can specify multiple dates and exchange rates for the same relationship. When a transaction is converted from the From currency to the To currency, the transaction date is used to determine which daily rate is used.

    Specify the daily rate. The multiply operator is always implied.
  6. Click Save.

    If a currency relationship was created with the Auto Generate Reverse Relationship option, then a daily rate is automatically created for the reverse relationship. It has the same date and the reverse daily rate.