Creating countries and jurisdictions

Use this procedure to define one or more countries. Countries are associated with enterprise groups, companies, and organization units.

  1. Select Countries/Jurisdictions.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify country code and description.
  4. Specify this information:
    New Display Order
    Specify the order in which the country/jurisdiction list is displayed.
    CTL/ATF Watch List
    Select this check box if the country is on the Candidate Target List (CTL) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) watch list.
    AML Watch List
    Select this check box if the country is on the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) watch list.
    Tax ID Check Digit Type
    This field is used to validate tax identification numbers. Check digit types for Tax ID are used as a specific validation, for example, MOD10. The value on country records is the default for the check digit type that is used for tax ID validation on the vendor or customer.
    ISO Country Number
    Specify the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) number for the country.
    ISO Country Code
    Specify the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country. For example, US for the United States, and FR for France.
    NGA Country Code
    Specify the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency country code.
    EU Country Number
    Specify the European Union (EU) number for the country.
    Member Of EU
    Select the check box if the country is an EU member.
    Telephone Country
    Specify the international dialing code of the country.
    SIC Code Group
    Specify the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code.
    NAICS Code Group
    Specify the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code.
    Flag Picture
    Select the image file for the country's flag.
    Address Display Format
    Specify a two-line address format to use in reports and printed labels.
  5. In the Address Entry Rules section, specify the order of the various address elements. Select the Required check box on elements that are required when entering an address in the system.
  6. In the States/Provinces section, click Create and create records for the states or provinces.
  7. In the Regions section, click Create and specify a code and description for each region:
    Exclude From Intrastat
    Select this check box if this region is excluded from the trade of goods between countries in the European Union (EU).
  8. Click Save.
  9. On the Address Entry Test tab, specify the country and the address type.
  10. Click Save.