PurchaseOrder to 850
Convention | Examples |
Values that are inside angle brackets (< >) are placeholders for the values. | <tpid> is a placeholder for trading partner id from the EDI Trading Partner
record. <company> is a placeholder for the company value in PurchaseOrderEDIOutput. |
Plus sign (+) is used to concatenate or combine values to form a single key. Do not include spaces around it. | <shipto>+<vendor>+<purchaseFrom>+<company> <requesting company>+<requesting location> |
Asterisk (*). Where indicated, an asterisk can be used to indicate that the data substitution applies to any value. | An asterisk is not valid in a List Name value. An asterisk can be used in the Your Value or Partner Value fields. An asterisk can be used in place of <tpid> to indicate that the record is valid for all trading partners. |