Setting up trading partners

A trading partner record must exist for each trading partner and transaction set combination. If you send purchase orders (850) to Baxter and receiving purchase order acknowledgments (855) from Baxter, then you must have two trading partner records. One for the 850 and another for the 855.

Use this procedure to set up information about your trading partners.

  1. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > EDI > Trading Partners.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    EDI Number
    Specify the EDI number for this transaction. The value is user-defined and up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
    Trading Partner ID
    Specify the trading partner ID (TPID). See the trading partner list to verify whether a value is already assigned. The TPID can be shared by trading partner records. Typically, one trading partner ID is used for all transaction sets for a vendor. Each vendor must have a unique trading partner ID.
    Transaction Set
    Select the EDI Transaction set. This list shows valid values:
    • 850 Purchase Order
    • 855 PO Acknowledgement
    • 856 Receiving
    • 810 Match Invoice
    • 832 Price Sales Catalog
    Run Group
    Select the run group. This field is only available when the Direction field is set to Inbound. If this field is blank, then the trading partner EDI Number is the default. This field is a user-defined 30 character value that is used for the application interface process. If this field is blank, then the default is the Trading Partner EDI Number.

    Run Group is used for Working Contract ID when interfacing Contract Interface Catalog records.

    Select Out for outbound transactions, or In for inbound transactions.
    Select the map to use for the Transaction Set.
    Standards Version
    Select the standards version for this trading partner transaction.
    EDI Carrier
    Select the carrier for this trading partner.
  4. On the Interchange tab, specify this information:
    Receiver (ISA 08)
    Specify the ISA receiver ID. This value is provided by your trading partner or is mutually agreed upon value.
    Sender (ISA 06)
    Specify the ISA sender ID. This value is provided by your trading partner or is mutually agreed upon value.
    ISA Control Number
    Specify the ISA control number.
    • For outbound transactions, this value is incremented by one in this field for each outbound ISA header.
    • For inbound transactions, the most recent received ISA control number is updated for this trading partner.
    Sender Qualifier
    Specify the ISA sender qualifier. This field is for outbound only.
    Receiver Qualifier
    Specify the ISA receiver qualifier. This field is for outbound only.
  5. In the GS section, specify this information:
    GS Receiver (GS 03)
    Specify the GS receiver ID. This value is provided by your trading partner or is mutually agreed upon value.
    GS Sender (GS 02)
    Specify the GS sender ID. This value is provided by your trading partner or is mutually agreed upon value.
    GS Control Number
    • For outbound transactions:

      The value is incremented in this field by one for each outbound GS header.

    • For inbound transactions:

      The most recently received GS control number is updated for this trading partner.

    Functional ID
    Specify the GS functional ID element for the output. The value is determined by the user and the vendor. This field is for outbound only.
    Select whether this is production or test. Used in the outbound ISA header. This field is for outbound only.
  6. The Delimiters tab is available for outbound transactions. Specify this information:
    Comp Element Separator
    Specify a character to use as the delimiter within composite data elements.
    Element Separator
    Specify a character to use as the data element delimiter.
    Segment Terminator
    Specify a character to use as the segment terminator. To use a new line, specify NL, although using new lines are not recommended.
  7. On the Miscellaneous tab, specify this information:
    Acknowledgement Request
    Select None Requested to indicate that no 997 is expected.

    Select Acknowledgement Requested to indicate that 997 is expected.

    Select this check box to enable processing of transaction data.

    Clear this check box to create the record but not process X12 data for the partner. An inactive record is useful when a partner sends transaction sets that you are not ready to process during an implementation and testing.

    Select the translation process that is performed by the translation server.
    Output To
    These default values depend on the Trans Type field selection:
    • Receivable Payment Import
    • Receivable Lock Box Import
    • Cash Ledger Bank Update
    • Contract Catalog
    Alternatively, you can select one of these options:
    • PO Acknowledgement
    • Receiving
    • Match Invoice
    Data From
    Select the data source to which the trading partner record corresponds. Select Purchase Order if this trading partner record is used to translate purchase order data.
  8. On the History tab, transactions that have been processed can be viewed for the defined trading partner configuration. Double-click an entry to show field values for the transaction record.
  9. Click Save.