Enabling GLN usage

The adoption and usage of GLNs occurs over time. Because all partners may not be ready to use GLNs in EDI transactions, you can configure GLN usage by trading partner.

GLN usage is configured in Data Substitution records. Separate entries/records are required for outbound and inbound transactions. This table shows an overview of the configuration:

Field Outbound Inbound
Your Value trading partner id usage indicator
Partner Value usage indicator trading partner id

Trading Partner ID is the value from the Tpid field on EDI Trading Partners. Using the Tpid, you can enable and configure the GLN usage for a specific partner.

Usage indicator indicates how GLNs should be used and is discussed in the GLN Usage Options section.

To enable and configure GLN for all trading partner IDs, an asterisk can be used for the trading partner ID. If no tpid specific entry is found, the wild card entry will be used. To enable GLN for all trading partners, set up an entry with an asterisk wildcard as a value. To enable GLN for specific trading partners, create multiple trading partners with entries with specific trading partner Ids and an external value of N.

If no USE_GLN EDI Substitutions record exists for a trading partner ID or the usage indicator is not B, L, or O, then GLN processing will not occur. Only the ship to account number is used.