EDI data substitution

When EDI information is sent between trading partners, it is sent in a flat file as a string that conforms to ASC X12 standards.

When data is received by EDI, most of the values in the string can be interpreted because those values are standard. Certain elements can be unique to your system. These differences are mapped between systems with the help of a substitution table.

A listing of substitutions by trading partner and transaction type is provided in this guide. Customers whose trading partners are listed can use the table to guide them when they set up the data substitution table.

Definitions and conventions

This table shows the definition of terms used in this guide.

Term Definition

Accredited Standards Committee X12, Electronic Data Interchange.

X12 is also a reference to the standards they develop and maintain.

Segment Segments are used to communicate specific data. They are the record types of EDI data. Each segment starts with an ID. X12 segment IDs are two to three characters that identify the type of data that is in the segment. You can think of them as record type identifiers.
Element Elements are the fields of a segment. A standard specifies the elements of a segment, valid value and types, and minimum and maximum length.
Delimiter, element delimiter The character that separates the elements. A comma in a CSV file is the field delimiter. The same delimiter is used for all segments and elements within a transaction. Delimiters can be any character that is not contained in the data. Common element delimiters are the caret ^ or the asterisk *. A comma or period are poor choices for delimiters because they could be characters in the data.
Terminator, segment terminator The segment terminator identifies the end of a segment. Common terminators are the tilde ~ or the exclamation point !. A new line character can also be used as a segment terminator.
Transaction, transaction set A transaction set represents a business document. X12 transaction sets are identified by a three-digit number, for example, 850 Purchase Order, 810 Invoice. For each transaction set, X12 defines which segments and elements are valid or required, minimum and maximum sizes, etc.
Standard Standards organizations, such as X12, develop and maintain standards that define transaction sets and their syntax rules. Rules such as which segments are valid, which are required, and which elements are required within a segment. A standard is identified by a six-digit number, for example 004010. A standard version can be referenced by the significant digits, 4010. The standards are used by partners to develop implementation guides for transaction sets.
Implementation guide A trading partner-specific definition of the syntax and data that are included in a specific transaction set. The guides are based on the X12 standard. An implementation guide defines what the partner will send or expect to receive. For example, the 004010 Standard indicates that an AMT segment is optional in an 850 transaction. A partner can require it and indicate this in their implementation guide.
Outbound Direction of the data flow. Refers to processing data that is sent to a partner.
Inbound Direction of the data flow. Refers to processing data that is received from a partner.
Mapping The process of converting data to or from an X12 transaction set.
Map The process specification that is used to perform mapping.

Segments and elements

Segments represent specific types of data or purpose. Segments are referenced by their segment ID. In X12, the BEG segment is the starting segment for an 850 Purchase Order.

Elements are often referenced by the segment and their position within the segment. The third element of the BEG segment would be referenced as BEG03. BEG03 contains the Purchase Order Number per the X12 standards.

Qualifiers. Specific elements within a segment can be defined as qualifying elements. They contain standards-defined codes (qualifiers) to specify what the segment or following element represent or contain. Qualifying elements are often defined as mandatory in a standard.

A segment can be qualified by its first element. For example, the N1 (Name) segment is used to transmit values identifying parties to the transaction. The first element, N101, is a qualifier element. To indicate that the N1 segment identifies a ship to party, the code, ST is used in N101.

Segments can be referred to by the segment ID and the qualifier. This helps to distinguish them from other segments of the same type. The N1 ship-to segment can be referenced as the N1ST segment. Likewise, elements can also be referred to by their segment ID and qualifier and position. For example, the fourth element of an N1ST segment can be referred to as N1ST04.

Identifying parties or entities in transactions

Party or entity identifiers are sent in specific segments and elements within an EDI document. These identifiers can be used directly or they can be used to cross-reference other values by the receiving party.

Using the previous N1 segment example, N101 of ST identifies the segment as containing a ship-to party. In an N1 segment, the identifier is sent in the fourth element, N104 (or N1ST04). Elements can also be qualified. The third element of an N1 segment (N103) is a qualifier for N104. For example, an N103 value of 91 means that the N104 value was Assigned by Seller. A 92 means Assigned by Buyer. To complete the N1 segment, the N102 element is for a free form name, for example, N1^ST^WAREHOUSE^91^8697699.

This N1 segment identifies a ship-to entity with the name, WAREHOUSE, and an identifier of 869769 that is assigned by the seller.