Defining global location number usage

Two records are required to define Global Location Number (GLN) usage:

  • Translate Outbound
  • Translate Inbound

Records are created for specific trading partners or for all trading partners with an asterisk. If a record does not exist, then the account number data substitution processing is used.

Usage indicator Description
O (Only) Use the O indicator to only use GLNs in transactions. Cross referencing is not performed. GLNs are directly mapped between the interface files and the ASC X12 transactions. Only N1 segments with UL qualifiers are used.
L (Lookup) You can use the L usage indicator to only use GLNs through data substitution cross references. An attempt is created to cross reference your identifiers with GLNs in the data substitution records. Only GLNs that are qualified with UL are created or processed. Vendor-assigned account numbers are not created or processed. For outbound processing, the 850 transaction only contains an N1ST segment with a UL qualifier.


For inbound processing, only N1 segments containing UL qualifier are used to look up values. For example, an N1ST segment with a UL qualifier is used to lookup a ship to value using the GLN.

B (Both) Use the B usage indicator if both vendor assigned account numbers and GLNs in the EDI transactions are used. With the B indicator, both the vendor assigned account numbers and GLNs are cross-referenced and used in the transaction.
Note: In practice, suppliers have not supported the use of account numbers and GLNs in transactions. The suppliers prefer to use one or the other.
N (None) Use an N to indicate not to use GLNs. This indicator is useful if you have enabled GLN usage for all trading partners with an asterisk and have excluded specific trading partners.


Field Value Comments/examples
List name L1_O_USE_GLN
Your value <tpid> -or- *
Partner value O, B, L, or N O = Only Use GLNs

B = Both, use account # and GLNs

L = Lookup GLNs

N = No. default if no record exists. Use to disable for a specific trading partner.


Field Value Comments/examples
List name L1_I_USE_GLN
Your value O, B, L, or N O = Only Use GLNs

B = Both, use account # and GLNs

L = Lookup GLNs

N = No. default if no record exists. Use to disable for a specific trading partner.

Partner value <tpid> -or- *