GLN substitutions setup

Customers without GLNs can set up Data Substitution records to cross reference your Infor values with the GLNs.

Customers can use this when exploring or testing GLN usage in their EDI transactions.

To use GLN substitutions or cross references, you must first enable GLN usage with the B or the L indicator. Then, create Data Substitution records for the appropriate GLNs. All the GLN substitution record List Name values are in the format of L1_gln-type_GLN. gln-type represents what the GLN is for example, SHIPTO, COMPANY, VENDOR. Separate inbound and outbound substitutions are not required.

The primary focus is on enumerating or assigning GLNs to ship to locations. GLNs can also be assigned to other entities or locations. You can assign a GLN to an Infor company. Your vendors may enumerate their locations as well. GLN substitution records can also be set up for these.

These tables show the Data Substitution records that can be setup for GLN substitutions:

Field X12 Destination/Source
List Name L1_SHIPTO_GLN N1 segment

N101 = ST or DA

Your Value SHIP TO location id N103 = UL
Partner Value Global Location Number N104 = GLN
Field X12 Destination/Source
List Name L1_COMPANY_GLN N1 segment

N101 = BT

Your Value COMPANY id N103 = UL
Partner Value Global Location Number N104 = GLN
Field X12 Destination/Source
List Name L1_VENDOR_GLN N1 segment

N101 = VN

Your Value VENDOR id N103 = UL
Partner Value Global Location Number N103 = UL
Field X12 Destination/Source
List Name L1_PURCHFROM_GLN N1 segment

N101 = SE

Partner Value Global Location Number N104 = GLN
Field X12 Destination/Source
List Name L1_REMITTO_GLN N1 segment

N101 = RE

Your Value VENDOR REMIT TO N103 = UL
Partner Value Global Location Number N104 = GLN