N102 mapping
A Ship To N1 segment or an N1 segment with ST qualifier is used to identify ship to location for an order. Customers and suppliers use the second element of an N1 Ship to segment (N1ST02) to send a value,such as an identifier for a requesting location, a ship-to location, or a constant string value. The N102 element can be used by suppliers for additional information in their order fulfillment process such as grouping or palletizing items on the orders.
There are two data substitution records:
- If there is a requesting location, specify tpid_O_N102_REQLOC.
- If there is no requesting location, specify tpid_O_N102_SHIPTO.
If there is no requesting location, no requesting location substitution, and tpid_O_N102_SHIPTO record and SHIPTO are the external values, then the ship-to location value is mapped to the N102 element.