Add on costs
ASC X12 provides standard set of codes for identifying add on charges or allowances. Customers define their own Add On Cost codes. Data substitution records provide a cross-reference between the X12 standard codes and your proprietary codes to identify add on charges (AOC). Work with your trading partners to identify the AOC codes that they use and their meaning to cross-reference them with your AOC codes.
Lookup AOC code
- Cross-reference
- Optional
- Default Behavior: The X12 code value from SAC02 is mapped if no record is found.
- Related:
Field | Value | Example | Comment |
List Name | L1_I_ADDON | L1_I_ADDON | |
Your Value | <your aoc code> | FR | |
Partner Value | <SAC02> | D240 |
Use to create a cross reference between ASC X12 standard codes that are sent in SAC02 with your add-on cost codes. Create one for each AOC code that you will be receiving from any trading partner.
Trading partner AOC code
- Cross-reference
- Optional
- Default Behavior: Use L1_I_ADDON cross-reference if no record is found. The X12 code value from SAC02 is mapped if no record is found.
- Related: L1_I_ADDON
Field | Value | Example | Comment |
List Name | \<tpid\>_I_ADDON | JT_I_ADDON | |
Your Value | <your aoc code> | SH | |
Partner Value | <SAC02> | D240 |
Use when you need a trading partner-specific cross reference for X12 Add On Cost codes and your Add On Cost Codes. If no matching record is found, a lookup will be performed for a matching L1_I_ADDON record.
- Configuration
- Optional
- Default Behavior: Add on costs are mapped from line level and summary level.
- Related: MAP_AOC_TAX, L1_I_ADDON, \<tpid\>_I_ADDON
Field | Value | Example | Comment |
List Name | MAP_AOC_LEVEL | ||
Your Value | <level> | SUM or DETAIL. The default is ALL | |
Partner Value | <tpid> or * |
Use if a vendor sends line level AOC and summary level AOC for total amount. The 810 translation maps Add On Costs at both the line and invoice level. Some vendors itemize AOC at the line level and then provide total AOC at the summary/invoice level. When translated, this effectively doubles the AOC amount and the invoice is out of balance.
Use a Your Value of SUM to only map summary AOCs. Use Your Value of DETAIL to only map line level AOCs.
Location specific AOC
Enables cross-referencing AOC codes based on the ship to location or ship to account number.
- Configuration
- Optional
- Default Behavior:
- Related: <tpid>_I_ADDON_<ship to account>
Field | Value | Example | Comment |
List Name | L1_USE_LOC_AOC | ||
Your Value | Y | ||
Your Partner | <tpid> or * |
Use to enable location based Add On Cost code cross-reference if different locations use different Add On Cost codes. You may have different AOC Codes if one location is tax-exempt and another is not tax-exempt.
Trading partner AOC code based on shipton account
- Cross-reference
- Optional
- Related: L1_USE_LOC_AOC, L1_I_ADDON_<ship to location>, L1_I_ADDON, <tpid>_I_ADDON
- Requires: L1_USE_LOC_AOC
Field | Value | Example | Comment |
List Name | <tpid>_I_ADDON_<ship to account> | JT_I_ADDON_12345678 | <ship to account> is the value from fourth element of N1ST segment. Same value used for Company and Vendor cross-reference |
Your Value | <your aoc code> | FR | |
Partner Value | <SAC02> | D240 |
Use to set a trading partnership to account specific AOC Code cross-reference.
General AOC code based on shipton location
- Configuration
- Optional
- Requires: <tpid>_I_SHIPTO, L1_USE_LOC_AOC
- Related: <tpid>_I_ADDON_<ship to account>
Field | Value | Example | Comment |
List Name | L1_I_ADDON_<ship to location> | L1_I_ADDON_LOC1 | <ship to location> is the value |
Your Value | <your aoc code> | FR | |
Partner Value | <SAC02> | D240 |
Enables setting location specific AOC code cross-references if different locations use different Add On Cost codes. For example, if one location is tax exempt and another is not, they would use different AOC codes.
This is not trading partner specific and uses a Ship To location value. Using this substitution requires a <tpid>_I_SHIPTO record.