Creating process triggers for EDI data exchange
For information about triggers and process automation, see Process Automation Services Reference Guide for Financials & Supply Management.
- Sign in as Process Server Administrator and select Scheduling > By Process Definition.
- Click Create.
- Specify this information:
- Process
- Select a process name. This list shows the valid values:
- Select EDIDataExchange_Inbound to retrieve documents
- Select EDIDataExchange_Inbound_Translate to retrieve documents and initiate a translate inbound process.
- Select EDIDataExchange_Outbound to send outbound data.
- Work Title
- Provide a work title.
- Click Save.
On the Variables pane, click Create.
- Trigger Variable
- Specify DataExchangeFromEmail.
- Type
- Specify String Array.
- Value
- Specify the email address to use for the sender. Use a specific email account or a generic no-reply email address, for example,
- Click Save and New.
To add the To email variable, specify this information:
- Trigger Variable
- Specify DataExchangeToEmail.
- Type
- Specify String Array.
- Value
- Specify the email address for the receiver of the notifications. To create multiple recipients, separate the email addresses by commas.
- Click Save.
- To return to the trigger screen, click the back button on your browser.
- Repeat the steps to create the EDIDataExchange_Outbound trigger.