This topic shows how EDI Data Substitution entries are used:
Cross reference
Cross reference data substitutions cross-reference your values with value sent to or received from your partners.
A Unit of Measure (UOM) substitution is a simple example and a primary use case. The X12 standard defines valid values for UOM that are a min/max of two characters. If you use Case, Box or Each as a UOMs, you need a data substitution to cross-reference and substitute CA for Case, BX for Box and EA for Each.
An account number cross-reference is another example. Ship-to account numbers are exchanged in EDI data as a common identifier. You need a shipto account data substitution records to cross-reference a shipto account number with your location + vendor + vendor location + company.
Mapping configuration
You can use Mapping Configuration data substitution records to enable or disable mapping instructions that are different than the defaults.
Enabling mapping example: SDQ segments are not included automatically by the Purchase Order > 850 Mapping. You can enable including the SDQ segment in an 850 transaction with the data substitution record, SDQ_CREATE. This can be enabled for one trading partner or all trading partners.
Disabling default mapping example: Line numbers are mapped from an 810 invoice to the Invoice Match Interface Input records. This can cause matching issues if the supplier does not return the numbers matching the PO lines. You can disable mapping the line numbers using a L1_I_810_LINENUMBERS data substitution record. You can do this for a specific trading partner ID or for all trading partners.
Field | Usage |
List Name | This is the primary key for looking up a record. |
Your Value | For outbound look up, this is the secondary key. For inbound look up, this is the value. |
Partner Value | For inbound look up, this is the secondary key. For outbound look up, this is the value. |