Trading partner item-specific UOM

This section describes how to enable and setup UOM for specific items for a specific trading partner. For example, you order zip ties that come in packs of 100. Your unit of measure is PK but the vendor UOM is EA. You can enable a UOM cross-reference for PK and EA for a specific item number for a specific trading partner ID. It is like the trading partner specific UOM setup with the addition of an item number.

This functionality uses your item number, not the vendor item number.


Use to enable outbound trading partner specific unit of measure lookup for an item.

  • Configuration
  • Optional
  • Default behavior: If record does not exist or record exists and Partner value is not Y, LOOKUP_O_UOM logic is followed.
  • Related: <tpid>_O_UOM, L1_I_USE_TP_UOM
Field Value Example Comment
Your Value <tpid> OR <tpid> or * JT
Partner Value Y Y Use N to disable for specific trading partner id


Configuration to enable and disable using inbound trading partner specific unit of measure data substitutions.

Item UOM lookup requires that your item number is included in the line details on the inbound documents.

  • Configuration
  • Optional
  • Default behavior: If record does not exist or record exists and Partner value is not Y, LOOKUP_I_UOM logic is followed.
  • Related: <tpid>_I_UOM, L1_O_USE_TP_UOM
Field Value Example Comment
Your Value Y Y Use N to disable.
Partner Value <tpid> or * JT Item UOM lookup is enabled for transactions for a trading partner id of JT

<tpid>_O_UOM_<item number>

Cross-reference for trading partner item specific outbound unit of measure.

  • Cross-reference
  • Optional
  • Default behavior: If record does not exist, and LOOKUP_O_UOM is not disabled, L1_O_UOM lookup is performed. If no cross-reference is found the UOM from the input is mapped.
  • Related: L1_O_USE_TP_UOM, LOOKUP_O_UOM
  • Requires LOOKUP_O_ITEM_UOM
Field Value Example Comment
List Name <tpid>_O_UOM_<item_number> JT_O_UOM_87699 Item number is 87699
Your Value <your UOM> PK
Partner Value <outbound UOM for item> EA

<tpid>_I_UOM_<item number>

Cross-reference for trading partner item specific inbound unit of measure.

Item UOM lookup requires that your item number is included in the line details on the inbound documents.

  • Cross-reference
  • Optional
  • Default behavior: If record does not exist, and LOOKUP_I_UOM is not disabled, L1_I_UOM lookup is performed. If no cross-reference is found the UOM from the input is mapped.
  • Related: L1_I_USE_TP_UOM, LOOKUP_I_UOM
  • Requires LOOKUP_I_ITEM_UOM
Field Value Example Comment
List Name <tpid>_I_UOM_<item_number> JT_I_UOM_87699 Same as the outbound record except the O is replaced with I to indicate inbound
Your Value <your item UOM> PK
Partner Value <inbound UOM> EA If a line detail contains item 87699 with UOM of EA for tpid JT, the UOM will be mapped as PK