Setting up contract groups for GPO
There are fields in the Contract Group that must be set up for both new contracts and for processing updates to contracts. For information about setting up contract groups, see the Supply Management Setup and Administration Guide.
- Select Contract Groups.
- Open a contract group.
Specify this information:
- GPO Used
- Select a GPO.
- GPO Supplier
- Select the supplier to use as the default GPO supplier. This value is used as the default for the GPO supplier on new contracts. It is also used to indicate the GPO supplier contracts that are used when updating records.
- Contract Type
- Select a contract type to use as the default value on the interface contract for new contracts.
- Contract Classification
- Select a classification to use as the default value on the interface contract for new contracts.
- Primary Contact
- Select a primary contact to use as the default value on the interface contract for new contracts.
- Pricing Code And Title For Distributor Contracts
- Specify a pricing code and title for distributor contracts.
- Member Processing
- Use this field to determine whether all members must be mapped when a new Contract Interface record is created. Select Process Only Mapped Members to skip unmapped members. Select Error If All Members Not Mapped and an error is displayed if all members are not mapped.
- Multiple UOM Handling
- Select Set UOMS Must Match To True to create a contract line for all UOM. Select Close Current Item when only the new line should be active on a contract. The original line is closed.
- Do Not Allow Manual Updates to GPO Related Fields
- When this check box is selected, these
fields cannot be updated on GPO related contract interface or
contract records:
- Tier numbers
- Base costs
- Tier costs
- Do Not Automatically Create Distributor Contract Lines
- Select this check box to not automatically create distributor contract lines. If this field is selected, you can maintain line members on the manufacturer contract and later add them to the distributor contract.
- Use UNSPSC Code
- When this check box is selected, UNSPSC codes from the GPO are validated against system data. When contract lines are created, the UNSPSC codes are loaded to them.
- Click Save.