Creating line and line spread commitments
Select .
Open a contract.
- Specify this information:
- Create Commitments
- Select the commitment type:
- Select Line to create the commitment
at the line level.
- Select Line Spread to create the commitment at the line level
with a spread date.
- Allow Incomplete Spread
- This field is available when you select the line spread commitment type. Select
this check box to release and activate the contract if spread
amounts do not match lifetime maximum amounts.
- Commitment Company
- Select a commitment company.
- Effective Date
- Select the date on which the contract is effective.
- Expiration Date
- Select the contract expiration date.
Click Save.
On the Lines tab, open a contract
On the Purchase Type Detail tab,
specify this information:
- Lifetime Maximum Amount
- Provide a lifetime maximum amount. This is the maximum amount that can be spent
against the contract line.
For line spread commitments, you must create a spread record. To create a
spread record, select the Distributions
tab, create and save a distribution.
In the Spreads section, click Create and specify this information:
- Spread Date
- Select a spread date. This is the start of the time period for which the spread
amount is budgeted. The current spread date ends when a new spread
date period begins or when the contract expires. At least one spread
record must match the contract effective date.
- Spread Amount
- Specify a spread amount. This is the value that is allocated for the contract
budget within the current spread date period.
Click Save.
The Create Commitment Spreads link
is available.
Click the Create Commitment Spreads
link or use the spreads list to maintain spreads.