Tier members are used to assign a
specific company and location or requesting location to a contract tier. The tier member
is eligible to receive the negotiated prices on the manufacturer contract. Releasing a
tier member to a contract tier generates a line-level tier pricing record which can be
Select .
Select a contract.
On the Members
tab, click Create.
Specify this information:
- Company
- Select a company number.
- Location
- Select a location.
- Requesting Location
- Select a requesting location.
- Pricing Group
- Select a pricing group.
- Tier
- Select a tier.
- Purchase Method
- Select a purchase method.
Click Save.
Select a member record.
Click Release
You cannot release tier members if no lines exist for the contract or if
there is no purchase method attached to a tier member.
Contract Tiers are Fixed and Contract
Line Tier Cost records exist when Release Members is selected, then the line
member Net Cost is the Line Tier Cost for the tier that is associated with
the member.