Creating contract participants

Contract participants are used to create tier members who are eligible to receive a negotiated price on a manufacturer contract. After you create a contract participant, you can define your tiered pricing and tier qualifiers and assign a tier to a qualified member.

You can also use participants for non manufacturer/distributor contracts to limit who can participate in the contract by company or location.

  1. Select Manage Contracts.
  2. Select a contract.
  3. On the Participants tab, click Create and specify this information:
    Select a company.
    Select a company location or department to add as a participant or tier member on a contract.
    Requesting Location
    Select either a location or a requesting location, not both.
    Pricing Group
    Select a pricing group. The pricing group is used to assign a markup or discount on purchases that are made by the participants on the distributor contract.
    Default Accounting Information
    Select the default accounting information.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Department tab, specify this information:
    Select a contract company.
    Contract Department
    Select a contract department.
  6. Click Save.