Creating contract milestones

  1. Select Manage Contracts.
  2. Select a contract.
  3. On the Milestones tab, click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the milestone.
    Provide a description for the milestone.
    Milestone Date
    Select a date by which the milestone must be completed.
    Specify a number to define the milestone by a quantitative value.
    Specify a percentage rate by which to define the milestone.
    Specify an amount by which to define the milestone.
    Percent Complete
    Specify a number to further define the milestone by a quantitative value. This field indicates the status of the milestone.
    Completion Status
    Shows the completion status based on the Percent Complete:
    • Percent Complete is 0%, Completion Status is Not Yet Started
    • Percent Complete is greater than 0% and less than 100%, Completion Status is In Progress
    • Percent Complete is 100%, Completion Status is Complete
    First Alert (Yellow) Is
    Specify the number of days before the Milestone Date to send the first alert email to the contacts.
    Second Alert (Red) Is
    Specify the number of days before the Milestone Date to send the second alert email to the contacts.
  5. Click Save.
    The Comments, Contacts, and Emails tabs are now available.
  6. On the Comments tab, click Create and specify this information:
    Comment Title
    Specify a title for the comment.

    A title is required if you do not attach a file for the comment.

    Provide a description for the milestone comment.

    If you specify a comment title but not a description, the value in the Comment Title field is displayed in this field.

    Click the attachment icon and browse to an attachment to use for the comment. Specify a Title and Mime Type.

    An attachment is required if you do not specify a title for the comment.

    Include Attachment On Milestone Notification Emails
    Select this check box to send this comment attachments in email notifications for this milestone.
  7. Click Save.
  8. On the Contacts tab, click Create and specify the contact information.
    Milestone contacts receive notification alert emails for the approaching milestone date.
  9. Click Save.