Withholding tax reporting

Taxpayers must submit a report to the tax authorities of the vendors that have received payments and the tax withholding that was performed. Typically, these vendors are classified by vendor type and transaction type. Taxpayers must also provide each vendor with a report or letter confirming the tax that has been withheld in the period.

Chile specifics

Taxpayers must provide a withhold certificate, drawn up in accordance with these instructions:

  • Column (1): Months of the year in which the withhold occurred.
  • Column (2): The gross amount of fees paid, without deducting withholding tax.
  • Column (3): Withholding amount.

    Such withholding should be performed when they are actually paid, credited to account, or made available to the person concerned.

  • Column (4): Update factors for each month, as disclosed by the Chilean tax authority (SII).
  • Column (5) and (6): Enter in these columns the amount obtained by multiplying those recorded amounts in columns (2) and (3) by the factors in column (4).

The totals recorded in column (6) must exactly match the information provided to the SII for each taxpayer.