Creating cash payment formats

Use this procedure to create a cash payment format and for FTP configuration.
  1. Select Cash Administrator > Cash Setup > Cash Payment Formats.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Cash Management Group
    Specify the Cash Management group.
    Cash Code
    Specify the cash code.
    Bank Transaction Code
    Specify the bank transaction code.
    Payables Process Group
    Specify the Payables process group to use.
    Country Code
    Specify the country code.
    Payment Format
    Select CSV File as the payment format.
    FTP Configuration
    Select the system to use for the configuration.
  4. In the Document Options section, specify this information:
    Remittance Option
    Select the remittance option for the document.
    Number Of Remittance Lines
    Specify the number of remittance lines.
    Number Of Overflow Remittance Lines
    Specify the number of overflow remittance lines.
    Language Text Option
    Select the language to use for the remittance.
  5. In the Electronic Payment section, specify the Rejection Bank Transaction Code to use.
  6. Click Save.