Creating EFT extract files

Use this procedure to process released EFT extract records to create an ACH electronic funds transfer file. This process is used to create cash ledger transactions, distributions, and to move the processed records into an electronic funds created status.
  1. Select EFT Extract File Creation.
  2. Specify a Cash Management Group.
  3. Specify a Company or Company Group. You cannot select both.
  4. Specify a Cash Code or Cash Code Group. You cannot select both.
  5. Specify this information:
    Process Group
    Specify the process group to only extract and process EFT transaction records with a process group equal to this value.
    Process Through Date
    Specify the process through date to only extract and process EFT transaction records with a transaction date equal to or less than this date.
    Print Detail
    Select whether to print details.
    Fill ACH Last Block
    Select Yes to fill in the block lines.
  6. Select distribution lists to send the report and the export type.
  7. Click Submit.