Creating fee service statements

The fee service statement shows all of the fees that are charged by the bank for a month. Fee service statements can also be created using Infor Spreadsheet Designer (ISD).
  1. Select Fee Service Statements.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Complete the fields.
  4. Click Save.
    The Fee Service Statement field is automatically filled when the record is saved. Make a note of the fee service statement number. The number is required to import the statement details into the correct statement.
  5. On the Fee Service Details tab, click Create.
  6. Specify this information:
    Valid options are by volume or by monetary amount. When using volume, it is based on quantity. When using amount, it is based on amount spent.
    Bank Charged Amount
    Specify the amount. Amount is quantity multiplied by price per unit.
    Select the check box if the individual detail line is resolved.
  7. Click Save.