Creating positive pay files

Use this procedure to produce a flat file and CSV file that contain bank required payment information. The positive pay file is sent to the bank to confirm that checks that are presented for payment have not been altered. Because there are no standard file layouts, you must use an external mapping tool to reformat the file into the specific bank format.

See Positive pay file formats.

  1. Select Positive Pay File Creation.
  2. In the Main section, specify the Cash Management Group, Cash Code, Cash Code Group, and Transaction Code fields.
    Note: To create a payment file in a specific format, specify the receiver bank details when setting up the cash code.

    See creating cash codes.

  3. In the Options section, select any of these options for running the output file:
    • Date Format for electronic output
    • Whether to include decimals in the electronic output files
    • Whether to create a CSV file
    • At least one Report on status
  4. Optionally, in the Report Distribution section, select a distribution list and export type for Positive Pay File Creation Report.
  5. Click OK.