Creating cash forecasts
- Select Cash Forecast.
- Click Create.
Specify a name and description.
- Forecast Date Range
- Specify a range of dates for the cash forecast.
- Approval Code
- Specify the approval code. This field is available if you selected Cash Forecast Approval Required in the Cash Management Group. The approval code determines how your forecast is routed for approval.
- Include All Accounts
- Select this check box to include all operating accounts. If this check box is cleared, then you are prompted to select one or more accounts.
- Include All Categories
- Select this check box to include all categories. If this check box is cleared, then you are prompted to select categories.
In the Category Defaults section, specify the method to use to calculate forecasts:
- Manual
- Select this option to manually calculate all of the forecast amounts.
- Historical
- Select this option to use historical information to calculate the forecast. If you select this option, then you must select an Actual Date Range, a Calculation Option, and, optionally, a Calculation Adjustment.
- Calculated
- Use this option to calculate the forecasts and specify a forecast amount. If you
select this option, then these fields are available for selection:
- Calculation Option
- Calculation Method
- Forecast Date Range
- Forecast Amount
- If you select a forecast calculation of Manual, then no other information is required.
If you select a forecast calculation of Historical, then specify
this information:
- Actual Date Range
- This date range is used to pull historical amounts from the accounts and categories that you select.
- Calculation Option
- Select the type of calculation that to
perform on the original amounts. This list shows the calculation
- Actual
- Daily Average
- Weekly Average
- Monthly Average
- Calculation Adjustment
- Specify the percentage by which to increase the original amounts.
If you select a forecast calculation of Calculated, then specify
this information:
- Calculation Option
- If you select Date, then select a Calculation Method, four Forecast Dates and Forecast Amount.
- If you select Date Range, then specify a Calculation Method, Forecast Date Range, and Forecast Amount.
- If you select Day of Week, then specify Day Of Week, a Calculation Method of Whole or Spread, a Forecast Date Range, and a Forecast Amount.
- If you select Day of Month, then specify Day of the Month, Calculation Method, Forecast Date Range, and Forecast Amount.
- Click Next.
- On the Accounts tab, select a bank account and click Next.
- On the Categories tab, select a category and click Next.
- On the Cash Forecast Summary tab, you can access the defined cash accounts and categories and click Build Cash Forecast.
When the Build Forecast Completed message is
displayed, click Exit.
The Accounts and Categories tabs are available.
- To create a cash forecast with currency, repeat steps 1-5.
Click Select
Account. Select the cash account with a different currency or
select the cash account with a Company Location that has a different
A cash account message is displayed:
Required forecast currency rates not entered.
This message indicates that currency rate is not specified in the Currency Rates link in the wizard.- Click the Currency Rates link and specify a rate.
Click Save.
After a currency rate is created and saved, close the form. The alert on the Accounts tab is removed.
- Click Next.
On the Categories tab, click Select Category.
- Select one or more categories and click Create Forecast Category.
- Close the select list and return to the Categories tab.
- Click Next.
On the Cash Forecast Summary tab, click the Build Cash Forecast button.
If the Currency Rate is specified, then the cash forecast is built.
- Click Exit.