Creating a custodial account record

  1. Select Custodial Account Management > Custodial Account Management.
  2. Click Create and specify this information:
    <Custodial Account>
    Select the custodial account record.
    Date Of Request
    Select the date of the record request.
    Accounting Entity
    Select the accounting entity.
    Account Type
    Select Entity/Other or Individual.
    Summary Fund
    Select a summary fund.
    Posting Fund
    Select a posting fund.
    Select a category. When you select a category that requires a Tax ID, the Tax ID is available.
    Tax ID
    Specify a tax ID.
    Select a custodian.
    Vendor Group
    Select a vendor group.
    Select a vendor. A disbursement to this vendor is counted as a withdrawal.
    Transfer Code
    Select a transfer code.
  3. On the References tab, specify this information:
    Select a site.
    In Care Of
    Default Finance Code Block
    Specify the default finance structure.
  4. Click Save.