Company ID format
Brazil specifics
In Brazil, each different address is considered a different legal entity. If a company has two addresses the Brazilian government considers them to be two separate legal entities.
Each legal entity has unique registration numbers, such as a CNPJ Registration Number or CPF, State Registration Number, or Municipal Registration Number.
The CNPJ number consists of 14 digits, for example, 33.060.708/0001-97 and has to be validated according to a mathematical algorithm. The first eight digits refer to the company registration number assigned to the company by the tax authorities. The next four digits refer to the branch or subsidiary address.
Under Brazilian law, for accounting or bookkeeping purposes, the accounting figures can be consolidated by the first eight digits when they are the same. However, for the purpose of bookkeeping and issuing of fiscal invoices by the Brazil tax authority, each complete 14-digit CNPJ should be used.
Some tax rates, % PIS, % COFINS, % ISS, and % IRRF, are defined per legal entity.
How Infor meets this requirement
For information about tax identification when creating tax entities, see the Tax User Guide.
For information about Tax ID when creating vendor groups in Payables or creating customers in Receivables, see the Financials Setup and Administration Guide.