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Asset Accounting User Guide
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About this guide
Asset Accounting process flow
Integration of Asset Accounting with other Infor applications
Asset Accounting user roles
OS Portal overview
Accessing FSM in Infor OS Portal
Addition of assets with previous in-service dates
Depreciation calculation at regular period close
Calculation of depreciation when an asset is added
Running asset depreciation calculation and list
Running asset impairment
Asset class addition considerations
Creating assets
Creating asset items
Creating asset books
Calculating insurance or replacement values
Creating journal entries for assets
Creating asset comments
Asset addition template
Creating assets using an asset template
Copying an existing asset
Repair data
Creating asset repairs
Releasing asset repairs
Additional depreciation options
Unit of production table
Depreciation allocation
Asset depreciation projection
Asset interfaces
Applying override details to asset templates
Combining asset interface records
Creating an asset interface record with payables detail
Creating an asset interface record with Project detail
Copying asset templates
Adding comments to an asset interface
Asset Close dashboard
Approving or rejecting assets
Leased assets
Lease Accounting and Asset Accounting interaction
Leased asset updates
Released assets
Releasing assets
Journalize groups
Addition of assets from other Infor applications
Adding mass assets
Updating asset inventory
Verifying assets inventory items with barcodes
Verifying the revalued assets list
Revaluing an asset
Mass asset revalue
Revaluing mass assets
Verifying the revalued assets list
Asset record combinations
Multiple interface record combinations
Creation of records using mass addition
Interface record split
Single invoice or activity split
Combine invoice or activity split
Splitting mass asset distribution
Global Ledger clearing accounts and interfacing
Extracting GL Transaction Detail records
Barcoding considerations
Asset interface from procurement
Project capitalization
Project interface control tabs
Creating project interface controls
Testing asset repairs
Project asset interface records
Creating draft project asset interface records
Creating draft project asset interface records by group
Assigning summary codes
Holding capital transactions
Removing capital hold
Viewing uncapitalized transactions
Removing uncapitalized transactions from capitalize hold
Removing draft interface transactions
Deleting draft interface run groups
Appending asset interface records
Interfacing asset and project capitalization individually
Interfacing asset and project capitalization by group
Deleting project asset interface records
Transferring asset interface records
Asset interface release
Releasing asset interface
Mass asset interface release
Releasing created project assets
Asset adjustments
Asset transfer and update
Updating assets
Mass asset adjustments
Adjusting mass assets
Overriding annual depreciation
Importing asset item adjustments
Adjusting assets with previous in-service dates
Asset transfer
Transferring assets
Partial asset transfer
Asset mass transfers
Running mass asset transfer
Depreciation for company transfers
Transfers using handheld terminal
Partial asset transfer using handheld terminal
Asset disposal
Disposal properties
Partial disposal
Like-kind exchanges
Like-kind exchange transaction calculation
Like-kind exchanges and regular disposals and additions
Disposal through handheld terminal
Partial asset disposal from a handheld terminal
Disposing of assets
Disposing of mass assets
Reinstated disposed asset
Reinstating disposed assets
Period and year end close
Short year and 40 percent tax rule
Closing an asset period
Creating configuration parameters for the number of threads for close period
Closing an asset short year
Closing a year end
Barcoding application
Barcode data
Assigning barcodes to existing assets
Location detail
Asset product category
Creating a product category workbook
Asset template workbook
Barcode label printer
Space labels
Assigned barcode labels
Item barcode label generation
Asset barcode labels
Generating asset barcode labels
Application of barcodes to interfaced assets
Barcoding performance in an inventory
Asset file maintenance
Asset history purge
Purging asset history
Book purge
Purging asset books
Disposed asset purge
Purging disposed assets
Recalculating depreciation
Depreciation history rebuild
Rebuilding depreciation history
Depreciation history balances
Running depreciation history balances
Copying asset book information
Updating an existing book name
Updating transaction year end date
Updating current year end balance
Asset standard application reports and lists
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