Updating asset inventory
Select .
Specify this information:
- From Inventory Date
- Select the range of dates to include.
- Release
- Select No to generate a
report of the inventory items that are updated and the inventory
items are still mismatched.
- Select Yes to update the reconciled items with the current inventory date and condition.
- Run Group
- If you select a run group, select Yes in the Release field. After you
reconcile all of the items in the run group, the run group is
deleted from the inventory file.
- Asset
- Select an asset to update the items for a specific asset.
In the Output Options section, specify the way in which output totals are printed.
- Location
- Select Yes to print the output totals by
- Division
- Select Yes to print the output totals by
- <Dimension Name>
- Select Yes to print the output totals by
the dimension name that is selected in setup.
- Type, Sub
- Select Yes to print the output totals by
type and subtype.
- Asset Group
- Select Yes to print the output totals by
asset group.
- Asset
- Select Yes to print the output totals by
In the Report Distribution section, select a distribution list
and export type for Asset
Inventory Update Report.
Click Submit.