Disposal through handheld terminal

Initiate an asset disposal from a handheld terminal only if the assets exist in the application as part of the physical inventory. They must be barcoded, released, and inventoried.

Initiating a disposal from a handheld terminal ensures that both the Inventory and the Asset Accounting data have a record of the disposal. On the inventory side, you must specify a location where the asset is disposed. You can create locations such as Trash, Warehouse or Sold, for this purpose. These locations are not attached to the assets in the Asset Accounting application.

The disposal data that is interfaced to the Asset Accounting application consists of the disposal method and the asset items that are selected for disposal. After this data is interfaced, you must complete the financial processing of the disposal in asset accounting. If the items that are scanned for disposal do not equal a whole asset, then you must process a partial disposal.