Using the Project summary report

  1. Sign in to Infor EPM Platform Dashboard.
  2. Select Dashboards > Financials > Financial Reporting > Project Reports > Project Summary.
  3. Click the other options icon to show options for changing the values on the report.
  4. Click Home to access the Financial Home report to modify any settings. If values do not show on your report, open the Financial Home report and select the values on that report.
  5. Click Filter Selection located in Other Options to modify the value of the dimensions that are used to calculate the report values.
  6. Click Refresh to revert the report to its original state.
  7. Click VIEW SUB ITEMS to recalculate the report to the next lower level of the project. When there are no lower level projects, the link is not displayed.
  8. Click the right-facing arrow to view the Project Detail report.
  9. Click the Return to Summary to return to the previous level of the project.
  10. When a project has expired or will expire, a calendar icon is displayed. Return to Summary