Previewing report format

You can preview the report format before generating the full report but first, set the preview parameters. The preview parameters do not change until you specify different parameter. Preview parameters are user-specific.

  1. Select My Reports > Report Designer.
  2. On the Reports tab, open a report record.
  3. Click Set Preview Parameters.
  4. Specify this information:
    Show Structures
    Select this check box to override the structures that are associated with the reporting basis.
    Reporting Basis
    Select a reporting basis. This value is the default structure for all dimensions unless the structure is overridden.
    Balance Type
    Natural Balance
    Revenue, liability, and equity accounts with negative amounts are displayed.
    Financial Report Balance
    Revenue, liability, and equity accounts with positive amounts are displayed.
    Fiscal Year
    Specify the fiscal year to use in the report.
    Fiscal Month or Quarter
    Specify the fiscal month or quarter to use in the report.
  5. Specify the user-defined parameters to filter the results.
  6. Click Submit.

    The preview parameters are displayed on the Preview Parameters tab.

  7. Select the Preview Format tab.