Creating report groupings

Report groupings are used to create a report group and add reports to it for private or public viewing. In the report group, reports can be distributed to users. We recommend a limit of 10 reports in a report group. Monthly and quarterly reports cannot be added into the same report group.

  1. On the Report Grouping tab click Create.
  2. Specify this information:
    Report Group
    Specify the name of a report group. When the name is saved, it cannot be changed.
    Optionally, specify a report description
    The default owner is the creator of the report group. Only the Application Administrator can change the name.
    Select the check box make the report private. Leave the check box blank to keep it public.
  3. With the report group highlighted in the report group section, select Add Reports.
  4. Select reports to add to from the list and select the button Add Reports To The Report Group.
  5. Optionally, if you require a report to be removed from the report group, select the report in the Associated Reports section and delete..